2016: Findhorn and Taleamor Park
The 2016 calendar shows a range of winter 2015 paintings on paper by Clifford Peterson: February, March, and April.
During the summer, Clifford and Lisa travelled to the United Kingdom, thus the ancient rhododendron from Capesthorne Hall in Chesire and the idyllic lily pond at the Findhorn Foundation in Scotland.
At Findhorn, which is a long-established spiritual eco-community, Clifford began a series of organic paintings that Lisa later embellished with thread and bead to create the collaborative pieces of January, August, and September.
July brought long, halcyon summer days, and the sunflowers of September commemorate the death of Clifford’s mother. Leaves fell (October) and the farmhouse (November) was empty, as plans for the 2016 opening of the Taleamor Park artist and writer residency center in the house germinated.

January 2016

February 2016

March 2016

April 2016

May 2016

June 2016

July 2016

August 2016

September 2016

October 2016

November 2016

December 2016