2013: The Archeology of A Shumard Oak

The 2013 calendars contain further digital transformations of nature photographs and abstract paintings by Clifford Peterson.

Goldenrod is the source for September and for January, when a photo combines with a painting inspired by a journey to Oaxaca in the 2000s. July is a small vignette from a Oaxaca-inspired painting from 1967.

February comes from Queen Anne’s Lace, and October from Virginia Creeper. April is a swirl of leaves from an abstract source.

The Shumard Oak that Clifford’s mother planted to commemorate her late husband is a mysterious element in March, May, June, August, November, and December.

Curiously, when we planted the Shumard, we found a small rusted horse shoe buried in the soil.

Especially with the Shumard Oak, the exact path of evolution and creation of each image is wrapped in layers and mixtures that reflect change over time and evoke a range of emotions.


